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You are a Retrokiller. 

A post-human agent of the transtemporal Union of Concerned Assassins. Somewhere in time, your target is committing unspeakable evils that threaten the future of humanity. 

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RETRO/KILL (R/K) is a rules-light tabletop roleplaying game about time-traveling assassins targeting the villains of human history.

Why should you play RETRO/KILL?

  • Easy to play. All you need to play is the first ten pages of the book and a standard set of tabletop dice and as the game master, you never need to roll (unless you want to). R/K is fun, fast-paced, and you never need to hunt through the rulebook.

  • Quick to learn, fun to master. In R/K, you only have three stats. To act, roll a d20. If you roll under your stat number, you succeed. It can get a little more complicated than that but when in doubt, roll a d20.

  • No/low prep. Playtesters have said that you can prepare multiple sessions in 20 minutes or less and creating a fully playable character takes about five minutes. No complicated character sheets and barely any math.

  • Tell awesome stories. Players can use their time-travel powers to plant items they need in the environment during play. This makes for fast-paced and fun gameplay.

  • Cathartic. You get to assassinate some truly evil people. You will never experience a catharsis as sweet as blowing Ronald Reagan out of an airlock while playing a cybernetic punk from the 26th century.

RETRO/KILL is an upcoming sci-fi action tabletop roleplaying game created by Jack Cahan. 

Stay up-to-date or become a playtester by signing up below!

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