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Slipsword | An Uncommon 5th Edition Magic Sword

"It needs to be sharper," he said as he tested the edge of the blade.

"We have sharpened it as finely as our tools will allow!" responded his apprentice, a greying man who, anywhere else, would be considered a master smith.

"Then we must make new tools."

And they did. They made strange tools. Grindstones made of children's tears. Hammers forged from the will of soldiers taken right before a desperate charge. The great anvil, according to the whispered words of the youngest apprentices, was quenched in the last pure waters of the holy Darfhuk River, now forever cursed with darkness.

Each tool unique and made for a singular purpose, the forging of the world's sharpest blade.

When the time came, the forge was lit, the hammers raised, and at a nod from the senior apprentice, the great work began. The forging lasted eleven days and nights and when the blade was finally quenched, the master smith took it in his hands and, almost without a sound, cut a hole in the universe.

This Uncommon 5th edition magic sword is available in a card in printer-friendly format to Patrons of the Lorelock! Become a patron at

5th Edition Magic Sword
5th Edition Magic Sword

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