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RETRO/KILL: Early Access

Hello Everyone!

Today is a day that is many months in the making.

Today is the first time I am posting publicly about the game I have been designing for the last year: RETRO/KILL

What is RETRO/KILL? 

R/K is a rules-light TTRPG about time travel, assassins, and the biggest bastards in human history. In R/K you play a Retrokiller, a post-human agent of the transtemporal Union of Concerned Assassins. You are an elite team with one mission:

Travel to the past and eliminate your target before they destroy the future.

Featured targets in RETRO/KILL

Why should you play RETRO/KILL? 

  • Rules light. All you need to play is the first ten pages of the book and a standard set of tabletop dice and as the GM, you never need to roll (unless you want to). It is fun, fast-paced, and you never need to hunt through the rulebook.

  • Easy to learn, fun to master. You only have three stats. To act, roll a d20. If you roll under your stat number, you succeed. It can get a little more complicated than that but when in doubt, roll a d20.

  • Easy to prep and to play. Playtesters have said that you can prepare multiple sessions in 20 minutes or less and creating a fully playable character takes about five minutes. No complicated character sheets and barely any math.

  • Cool mechanics! I am really proud of R/K's inventory system. Each item has a die associated with it and each item takes up a number of inventory spaces equal to the associated die. For example, if a knife allows a player to subtract a d4 from their roll, it also takes up four spaces in their character’s inventory. Players can use their time-travel powers to plant items they need in the environment making for fast-paced and fun strategic gameplay.

  • You get to assassinate some truly evil people. You will never experience a catharsis as sweet as blowing Ronald Reagan out of an airlock while playing a cybernetic punk from the 26th century.

How you can help!

  • Become a playtester! The game is still in early access. If you want to help make it perfect, you can play it with your friends and send me some feedback on how it went! Everyone who submits feedback will be credited in the final game. Sign up to become a playtester here: Playtester Signup Form

  • Like/Share/Repost/Comment/Boost on social mediaI am going to be posting about R/K a lot. Help boost my posts so we can get more eyes on the game! If you don't already follow me, you can find all my socials at:

  • Become a Patron. Patrons make this possible. Support me financially by subscribing on Patreon or by purchasing one of my products. Become a Patron:

  • Tell your friends about RETRO/KILL!I love it when folks tell me about something they think I will love. If you have a friend who you think would like RETRO/KILL, please send them my way!


    Thank you so much for all of your support. Without your encouragement, feedback, and kindness I could not make anything. You are the best. 


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