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1d10 Evocative Descriptions of Piercing Damage

One of the things I struggle with as a GM is coming up with evocative descriptions of blows during the midst of combat. Keeping track of initiative, stat blocks, and the plot takes up a lot of mental processing power and my brain just gives up when I need to describe a dagger almost but not quite killing a Kobold.

To solve that problem, I created myself a rollable table of descriptions of damage. Just grab a D10, roll, and paint a picture of the scene for your players!




Your weapon pierces the enemy's flesh with a sickening "shlick", sending a wave of pain through their body.


With a swift motion, your weapon slices through the enemy's defense as if it were paper, leaving a deep gash in their side.​


Your weapon strikes the enemy with a resounding squelch, leaving behind a jagged wound that oozes ichor.​


Your weapon's sharp point digs deep into the enemy's skin, causing them to gasp in agony.​


Your enemy tries to dodge the blow, but it is too quick, piercing their side with a sharp, searing pain.


Your weapon's needle tip tears through your enemy's flesh, leaving behind a ragged wound that bleeds profusely.


Your weapon strikes the enemy with such force that it sends them stumbling backwards, clutching at the gaping wound left behind.


​Your enemy tries to deflect the weapon, but it is too sharp and it pierces their skin, causing them to stumble.


Your weapon's tip digs into the enemy's side, causing them to buckle under the weight of the pain.​


Your enemy thinks they have evaded your blow, but it finds its mark in the form of a deep cut on their side that makes it difficult to stand.​

This table, like all of my work, is brought to you by the patrons of the Lorelock! Become a patron at or subscribe to the Lorelock Newsletter for a free adventure, weekly DM tools, and much more!

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